Structures in C++
Structure is a data-type in which the individual elements can differ in data-type. Thus, a single structure might contain integer elements, floating-point elements and character elements. Pointers, arrays and other structures can also be included as elements within a structure. The individual structure elements are referred to as members. Defining of Structures in C++: In general terms, the composition of a structure can be defined as: storage-class struct tag{ data-type 1 member 1; data-type 2 member 2; … data-type 2 member n; }; In the above declaration, storage-class is an optional storage-class specifier, struct ia a required keyword, tag is a name (i.e., identifier) that identifies structure of this type, and data-type 1, data-type 2, …, data-type n represents the data-types of the members member 1, member 2, …, member n respectively. Once the composition of the structure has been defined, individual structure-type variables can be declared as follows: storage-class...