Program in C++ to find sum of first “n” natural numbers

The below program will accept the number “n” from the user and calculates the sum of first “n” natural numbers. For example, if the input provided by the user is 5 then it will calculate the sum of first 5 natural numbers i.e., 1+2+3+4+5 /* Program Name: Program in C++ to find sum of first “n” natural numbers Author: */ #include #include “conio.h” using namespace std; void main() { int sum, digit, n; sum = 0; digit = 1; cout << “Enter a number n: “; cin >> n; while(digit <= n) { sum = sum + digit; digit++; } cout << “Sum of first ” << n << ” natural numbers: ” << sum << endl; getch(); } Output Enter a number n: 10 Sum of first 10 natural numbers: 55 Note: The above program is written and tested using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008