Arithmetic Operators in C++
There are five arithmetic operators in C++. They are: Operator Purpose + addition – subtraction * multiplication / division % remainder after integer division The % operator is also sometimes referred to as the modulus operator. Example of the use of Arithmetic Operators: Suppose that the x and y are integer variables whose values are 10 and 3 respectively. Several arithmetic expressions involving these variables are shown below, together with their resulting values: Expression Values x + y 13 x – y 7 x * y 30 x / y 3 x % y 1 In the above mentioned example, notice the truncated quotient resulting from the division operation (x / y), since both operands represent integer quantities. Also, notice the integer remainder resulting from the use of the modulus operator in the last expression (x % y). Precedence of Arithmetic Operators: Among the arithmetic operators, *, / and %...